[, ] () the way that a business manages the money it is owed, for example checking whether its customers can pay, making sure that payments are made on time, etc.信贷管理(企业对欠款的管理,如检查客户的偿债能力,确保债务按时偿还等)◆A lack of credit control led to large bills going unpaid.缺乏信贷管理导致出现大额的未付账单。◆developing a credit control policy制订信贷管理政策 () the way that a bank controls the money it lends, for example checking who it lends money to and how much it can safely lend them信用控制(银行控制贷款的方式,如检查借款人的资信及贷款数额)◆The bank has tightened credit controls in response to the worsening economy.针对日益恶化的经济,银行已加紧信用控制。 () the actions of a government to limit the amount of money that people or companies can borrow or spend using credit信贷管制(政府限制个人或公司利用信贷的借款额或消费额)◆The government imposed credit controls in an attempt to reduce inflation.政府实施信贷管制,试图降低通货膨胀。