

单词 postpone
释义 postpone /pəˈspəʊn; NAmE poʊˈspoʊn/


[] to arrange for an event, etc. to take place at a later time or date延迟;延期We'll have to postpone the meeting until next week.我们不得不将会议推迟到下周举行。They have agreed to postpone repayment of the loan to a future date.他们同意推迟还贷日期。We have decided to postpone building a new store.我们已决定延迟兴建新商店。 OPP advance postˈponement


[, ]
Changing a meeting <chn/>Changing to a later time 推迟The talks have been postponed until 30 May. 会谈被推迟到 5 月 30 日。 Can we put off the presentation for a week or two? 我们可否将演讲推迟一两周?The next board meeting has been put back by two weeks. 下一次董事会会议推迟两周举行。Changing to an earlier time 提前We can bring forward the interview to tomorrow, if that suits you. 如果你方便的话,我们可以把面试提前到明天进行。Deciding not to have the meeting 取消约见I am sorry I had to cancel our appointment. 很抱歉我必须取消我们的约见。The meeting with shareholders was called off at the last minute. 与股东们的会面在最后一刻被取消了。   See note at arrange 参见 arrange。




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