

单词 allow
释义 allow /əˈlaʊ/


[] to make sth possible; to make it possible for sb to do sth使可能The software allows instant comparison of sales in different regions.这软件能快速地比较不同地区的销售量。to give enough time for a particular purpose预留(时间)Allow 28 days for delivery.交货需要 28 天。 () to take an amount of money off the price of sth, for example in exchange for another item(因交换别的商品等而给予的)折扣,折价,折让How much will you allow me for my old PC?我这台旧电脑你会给我多少的折让? () to take an amount off an amount of money before tax is calculated免税额Having allowed an expense for the last eight years, the tax office are now asking me to pay tax on it.在享受了八年的免税待遇之后,税务局现在要求我就有关项目交税。to accept sth; to agree that sth is true or correct接受,同意(某事属实或正确)The court allowed the claim for compensation.法院准许了索偿请求。 alˈlow for sb/sthto include sb/sth when calculating sth将…计算在内;考虑到All these factors must be allowed for.所有这些因素都要考虑到。




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