

单词 demand
释义 demand /dɪˈmɑːnd; NAmE dɪˈmænd/


[, ] the desire or need of customers for goods or services which they want to buy or use(顾客的)需求,需要Demand for new cars has fallen.对新车的需求已经下降。a sharp fall in car demand汽车需求的暴跌The plant has increased production in order to meet demand.这厂已经增加了产量以便满足需求。Demand for the aircraft has outstripped (= has been greater than) supply.对飞机的需求已超过了供应。The price is determined by the balance between demand and supply.价格是由供求平衡决定的。Traders reported a strong demand from investors.交易商报告称投资者有热切的需求。 supply noun (3) demand falls / drops / slows down / weakens需求下降/下跌/减缓/削弱 demand grows / picks up / recovers / rises需求增加/恢复/上升 to meet / keep up with / satisfy demand满足需求 to boost / create / increase / reduce / stimulate demand增加/创造/提高/减少/刺激需求 demand outstrips / exceeds supply求过于供;供不应求 (a) growing / huge / rising / strong demand增加的/庞大的/上升的/强劲的需求 (a) declining / falling / poor / low / weak demand下降的/低迷的/疲软的需求 domestic / external / global / world demand国内/外部/全球/世界需求 consumer / investor / market demand消费者/投资者/市场需求 [] a very firm request for sth; sth that sb needs or asks for要求;请求;要求的事物Management has rejected the union's demand for a 40 per cent pay rise.资方拒绝了工会加薪 40% 的要求。The firm is struggling to satisfy the demands of its shareholders.公司正竭力满足股东的要求。to accept / agree to / meet / reject / satisfy a demand接受/同意/满足/拒绝/满足要求 [] a written request to pay money that is owed付款通知You will receive a demand for the extra tax owing.你将会接到一份额外欠税的付款通知。to get / ignore / issue / receive a demand接到/不理会/发出/收到付款通知 on deˈmandas soon as requested见票即付;一经要求The loan is repayable on demand.这笔贷款是一经要求可随时偿还的。 (usually used with a noun 通常与名词连用) when you want it一旦需要The company website offers employees information on demand.这公司的网站可以按要求提供员工资料。on-demand computing按需计算 consumer demand derived demand elasticity of demand excess demand final demand primary demand selective demand supply and demand





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