

单词 dip
释义 dip /dɪp/


[] (-pp-) dip (from sth) (to/below sth) to go down in value or level, especially by a small amount or for a short period of time(尤指小幅或短期的)下降Sales of furniture have started to dip.家具销售额已经开始下降。Profits dipped slightly to $5.4 million from $5.7 million.利润从 570 万元略微下降到 540 万元。The share price dipped 4.5%.股价下跌了 4.5%。 dip into your ˈpocket () to spend some of your money on sth掏腰包;花钱dip a ˈtoe in/into sth dip a ˈtoe in/into the waterto start doing sth very carefully to see if it will be successful or not涉足试试;试做Some investors are now prepared to dip a toe in riskier markets.有些投资者现在正准备涉足风险更大的市场。 ˌdip ˈinto sthto take an amount from money that has been saved提取(款项);动用(存款)The government has had to dip into emergency funds.政府不得不动用应急资金。





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