

单词 disability
释义 disability /ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti/


( disabilities) [] a physical or mental condition that means that you cannot use a part of your body completely or easily or carry out some normal day-to-day activities伤残;残疾making computers easier to use for people with disabilities使计算机更易于残疾人使用Almost all of the company's employees have a physical disability.这家公司几乎所有的员工都有身体残疾。 [] the state of not being able to use a part of your body completely or easily or carry out some normal day-to-day activities伤残;残疾He qualifies for help on the grounds of disability.由于残疾,他有资格得到帮助。Small employers need support to comply with disability legislation (= that states that people with a disability must not be treated less fairly than others).小雇主需要资助以遵守残疾法规(必须平等对待残疾人)。 [, ] the state of not being able to work because of an injury or an illness; the injury or illness itself伤残insuring against unemployment and disability投保失业险和伤残险people on disability benefit(s)/pensions 享有伤残抚恤金的人 [] () money that is paid to sb who cannot work because of an injury, illness, etc.伤残抚恤金He had back surgery and has been on disability since 2003.他背部动过手术,自 2003 年起一直靠伤残抚恤金生活。She lives on her monthly disability check.她靠每月的伤残抚恤金维持生活。




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