

单词 discharge
释义 discharge /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ; NAmE -ˈtʃɑːrdʒ/


[, ] the act of officially allowing sb, or of telling sb, to leave a job or a place解雇;免职;获准离开(NAmE) The fired employees sued for unlawful discharge.被解雇的员工以非法解雇为由提起诉讼。 () [] the act of performing a task or a duty or of paying an amount of money that is owed履行;执行;(债务的)清偿the discharge of a contract (= doing everything that you were required to do) 合同的履行the discharge of debts/liabilities/duties债务的清偿;职务的履行 () [] the official act of allowing a person who is bankrupt to stop paying their debts and do business again允许破产者停止还债恢复经营applying to court for the discharge of a bankrupt向法院申请取消破产债务恢复经营 [, ] an act of releasing a substance such as a liquid or gas into the environment(液体、气体的)排放,释放a project to reduce discharges of hazardous waste减少排放有毒废料的方案the discharge of chemicals into rivers向河流排放化学品 () [] the act of removing goods or passengers from a ship that has arrived at a port(船只到港后)旅客下船,卸货the port of discharge (= where the goods are being sent) 卸货港





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