

单词 dismiss
释义 dismiss /dɪsˈmɪs/


[] () to officially remove an employee from their job解雇;将…免职She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post.她声称自己被无理免职。He was dismissed for breach of contract.他因违约而被解雇。to be summarily dismissed (= without paying attention to the normal process that should be followed) 被即时解雇 () to say that a trial or legal case should not continue, usually because there is not enough evidence驳回,拒绝受理(审判、官司等)After a five-day hearing the case was dismissed.这一案子经过 5 天的听证后被驳回。Getting rid of employees <chn/>When employees do something wrong 当员工行为不当时 to dismiss sb – * dismiss 指解雇She was dismissed for misuse of company property. 她因滥用公司财产而被解雇。 to fire sb (more informal) – * fire 也指解雇(更为口语化)We fired him for dishonesty. 我们因为他不诚实而解雇了他。 to remove sb (used especially about people with important jobs) – * remove 指解除职务(尤指身居要职者)He has been removed from the company's board. 他被公司董事会免职。 to sack sb (BrE; used informally or in newspapers) – * sack 也指解雇(英式英语;非正式用法,或用于报章)The company sacked its chief executive after a series of poor results. 公司在连续经营业绩不佳的情况下解雇了总裁。When employees are no longer needed or a company needs to save money 当员工成为冗员或公司需节省开支时 to make sb redundant (BrE) – * make sb redundant 指裁员(英式英语)More than 100 workers have been made redundant. * 100 多名工人被裁减。 to lay sb off – * lay sb off 指辞退The company has laid off 200 of its employees. 公司辞退了 200 名员工。 to terminate sb (especially NAmE) – * terminate sb 指解除与某人的合同(尤用于美式英语)They are obliged to compensate terminated employees. 他们必须补偿被解约的员工。to downsize – * downsize 指裁员、精减Big companies are downsizing and increasing their temporary workforce. 大公司正在裁员并增加临时工人数。 to delayer (= to reduce the number of levels of management) – * delayer 指减少管理层次Restructuring and delayering have meant redundancies for many experienced people. 结构调整和减少管理层次意味着许多有经验的人将被裁减。   See note at employ 参见 employ。




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