

单词 distribute
释义 distribute /dɪˈstrɪbjuːt; NAmE ˈdɪstrɪbjuːt/


() [] to make a product available to customers, for example, by supplying it to shops/stores and businesses分销Who distributes our products in the UK?谁负责在英国经销我们的产品?The magazine is distributed through restaurants and clubs.这份杂志通过餐馆和俱乐部分发。We distribute worldwide.我们在全球进行分销。 distribution , distributor [] to share money, goods or property between a group of people; to give things to a large number of people分配The company distributes most of its profits to investors as dividends.这家公司将大部分利润以红利形式分配给投资者。The firm's assets will be distributed among creditors.这家公司的资产将分配给各债权人。The newspaper is distributed free.这份报纸免费派发。




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