

单词 distribution
释义 distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn/


() [] the activity of making a product available to customers, for example by supplying it to shops/stores; the system of transporting and delivering a product to shops/stores or customers分销marketing, sales and distribution营销、销售和分销European distribution is handled from our centre in the Netherlands.在欧洲的分销是由我们设在荷兰的中心进行的。high distribution costs caused by poor transport systems糟糕的运输系统所造成的高昂分销成本We have secured exclusive distribution rights for the product in the UK.我们取得了这个产品在英国的独家分销权。 distribute , distributor to control / handle / improve / organize distribution控制/处理/改进/组织分销 broad / international / limited / local / wide distribution普遍的/国际的/有限的/本地的/广泛的分销 a distribution agreement / deal分销协议/协定 a distribution network / operation / system分销网络/业务/体系 a distribution facility / warehouse分销设施/仓库 a distribution business / company分销企业/公司 [, ] the act of sharing money, goods or property between a group of people or giving people things; the money or goods that people receive派发;分发;分配the distribution of leaflets传单派发The board has approved a cash distribution to stockholders of $2.50 a share.董事会批准了向股东按每股 2.5 元发放现金。 channel of distribution retail distribution selective distribution distribution / delivery / dispatch / logistics <chn>分销/配送/发货/物流</chn>These words are all used about sending goods to customers. 这些词汇都指发送货物给客户。Distribution involves arranging for a product to pass from one business to another until it reaches somewhere, for example a shop/store, where people can buy it. The series of businesses is the distribution chain and a particular business or place where the goods are finally sold is a distribution channel. * distribution 指产品经过若干企业最终进入零售的过程。这一系列企业成为“分销链条”(distribution chain),商品最终销售地成为“分销渠道”(distribution channel)Our main distribution channels are convenience stores and the Internet. 我们主要的分销渠道是便利店和互联网。Logistics involves physically collecting, transporting and delivering goods. These responsibilities are often given to a transport company. * logistics 包含收取、运输和配送货物。这些职责通常由一家运输公司承担FedEx handle the logistics. 联邦快递处理物流事宜。Delivery involves giving the goods to the customer. * delivery 指把货物交付给客户Allow up to 3 weeks for delivery. 至多留出 3 周时间用于配送。Our terms are cash on delivery (= you pay when the goods arrive). 我们的协议是货到付款。Dispatch refers to the process of goods leaving a factory or office. * dispatch 指发货We check all orders before dispatch. 我们在发货前会核对所有订单。the date of dispatch 发货日期   See note at supply chain 参见 supply chain。




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