

单词 due diligence
释义 ˌdue ˈdiligence


[] the process of taking great care in doing sth or deciding sth, especially in buying or selling sth(尤指买卖某物时)谨慎处理We try to exercise due diligence in selecting employees.我们在选择雇员时尽量小心谨慎。She believes brokers are not doing enough due diligence on investment funds.她认为经纪人对投资基金没有很好地恪尽职守。to act with / conduct / do / exercise / undertake due diligence恪尽职守;谨慎处理 () [, ] a process in which sb examines the financial records, documents, etc. of a business in order to decide whether they want to buy it and how much money to offer(对某公司财务记录、单据等的)尽职调查;严格评估The deal is subject to due diligence.这笔交易须接受尽职调查。An exact sale price will be set after a due diligence is completed in May.五月份尽职调查结束,公司之后将制订确切的销售价格。doing due diligence on a company对某公司进行尽职调查to carry out / complete / conduct / do / undertake (a) due diligence (on sth)(对某事物)执行/完成/实施/进行尽职调查 a due diligence exercise / procedure / process尽职调查活动/程序/过程




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