

单词 earnings
释义 earnings /ˈɜːnɪŋz; NAmE ˈɜːrn-/


[] the money that you earn for the work that you do; the money that people earn in a particular industry or during a particular time工资;薪水;收入She has earnings of $60 000 per year.她的年薪是 6 万元。compensation for loss of earnings caused by the accident对因事故造成的收入损失所给予的赔偿annual / hourly / weekly earnings每年/每小时/每周的收入 gross / net / pre-tax / taxable earnings毛/净/税前/应税收入 high / low earnings高/低收入 the profit that a country, a company, an industry or an investment makes赢利;利润;收益Germany's earnings from exports rose by 2%.德国的出口收益上升了 2%。The company has reduced its 2011 earnings forecast.这家公司已降低了其 2011 年的收益预测。   see note at income annual / full-year / quarterly earnings年度/全年/季度赢利 expected / strong earnings预期/强劲的收益 corporate / export / operating earnings公司/出口/营运收益 to boost / grow / have / report earnings提高/增加/赚取/报告利润 average earnings core earnings headline earnings loss of earnings retained earnings statement of earnings undistributed earnings




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