

单词 economic
释义 economic /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk; ˌekə-; NAmE -ˈnɑːm-/


[] connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society经济的;经济上的;经济学的social, economic and political issues社会、经济和政治问题Exports account for two-thirds of our economic activity.出口占经济活动的三分之二。He blamed the drop in sales on the global economic downturn. 他将销售量下降归咎于全球经济下滑。The economic outlook remains positive.经济前景持续乐观。economic activity / development / growth / reform / weakness经济活动/发展/增长/改革/疲软 an economic boom / recovery / upturn经济繁荣/复苏/好转 an economic crisis / downturn / slowdown经济危机/滑坡/放缓 the economic climate / conditions / environment / outlook / situation经济形势/条件/环境/前景/状况 economic data / figures / reports / research经济数据/数字/报告/研究 (about a process, a business or an activity) producing enough profit to continue(过程、业务或活动)有利润的,有赚头的The company will have to get rid of staff if it is to remain economic.要想保持赢利,公司不得不裁员。 SYN profitable OPP uneconomic that costs less money or uses less time, materials or effort节省的;合算的;节约的In this case, trains would be more economic for transporting the goods.在这种情况下,铁路运输更合算。an economic use of resources节约使用资源 SYN economical OPP uneconomic economic / economical <chn/>These two adjectives are often confused. 人们经常混淆这两个形容词。Economical relates to the cost of things. Something is economical if it provides good value for the amount of money you spend on it. * economical 与成本有关。如果某物物有所值,则称为 economicalIt was more economical to hire the vehicles than to buy them. 租用汽车比购买汽车更经济。In its most common sense, economic only appears before nouns and its meaning is connected with the word economy and the subject of economics. It is used mainly when describing the financial situation of a country. * economic 最常见的含义与 economy (经济)及 economics (经济学)有关,且仅修饰名词。它常用于指国家的财政状况the region's gradual economic recovery 该地区经济的逐步复苏economic reforms 经济改革Less commonly, economic is used to mean ‘making enough profit’ or as a synonym of economical. In these senses the word can appear before or after the noun. * economic 较不常用的用法是表示“赚钱”之义,或是作为 economical 的同义词。表示这些意义时,economic 可以出现在名词之前或之后。




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