

单词 economy
释义 economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi; NAmE ɪˈkɑːn-/


( economies) (often the economy) [] the relationship between production, trade and the supply of money in a particular country or region经济;经济情况;经济结构The economy is in recession.经济处于衰退之中。While exports have improved the domestic economy remains weak.虽然出口有所改善,国内经济依然疲弱。The US is moving from a manufacturing economy to a service one.美国正从以制造业为主的经济转向以服务业为主的经济。A further interest-rate cut may help to boost the economy.利率的进一步下调可能有助于促进经济增长。to control / handle / manage / run the economy控制/管理/运行经济 to boost / strengthen / weaken the economy刺激/加强/削弱经济 a booming / sluggish / strong / weak economy繁荣的/萧条的/强大的/疲软的经济 the economy expands / grows / recovers经济扩张/增长/复苏 the economy contracts / slows (down) / weakens经济萎缩/下滑/削弱 [] a country, when you are thinking about its economic system经济体;经济体系China is one of the world's fastest-growing economies.中国是世界上经济发展最快的经济体系之一。 [, ] the use of the time, money, etc. that is available in a way that avoids waste节省;节俭The diesel version of the car has better fuel economy.柴油车更能节省燃料。economy of effort in the handling of loads在重货装卸方面省力 [, ] a reduction in the amount of money that you spend减少(支出);节约We need to make substantial economies.我们需要厉行节约。It's a false economy to buy cheap tools (= it seems cheaper but it is not really since they do not last very long).购买廉价工具实际上并不划算。Tough economy measures in every area of the company should halve the losses.公司在各方面采取的强硬节约措施应可使亏损减半。 [] (used as an adjective 用作形容词) offering good value for the money that you spend经济的;合算的;物有所值的a regular pack of 30 tablets or an economy pack of 6030 片的普通包装或 60 片的经济包装an economy fare (= the cheapest) 经济舱票价 []


economy class
black economy bubble economy command economy controlled economy dual economy exchange economy experience economy free-market economy informal economy knowledge economy managed economy market economy mixed economy New Economy Old Economy parallel economy planned economy real economy scale economy service economy shadow economy underground economy




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