

单词 enter
释义 enter /ˈentə(r)/


[] to begin taking part in an activity or a situation, especially to start competing in a particular kind of business开始参加;开始从事;开始进入;着手进行As more manufacturers enter the market, price falls sharply.随着越来越多的生产商进入市场,价格急剧下跌。A new company has entered the bidding for the supermarket chain.一家新公司已开始加入竞投经营那家连锁超市。 ( be entered is not used) (used about people or products) to arrive in a country or region(人或产品)进入He has called for a ban on new GM products entering the EU.他已呼吁禁止新的转基因产品进入欧盟。tariffs on steel entering the US market对进入美国市场的钢铁所征收的关税to begin or reach a particular period of time in a process开始,进入(某一阶段)Our economy is entering a phase of recovery.我们的经济正进入复苏阶段。The strike is entering its seventh month.罢工正进入第七个月。 ( be entered is not used) to start working in a profession or career开始,进入,从事(某行业或职业)What advice would you give to anyone entering the industry?你对进入这个行业的人有何建议?the number of young people entering the workforce加入工作大军的年轻人人数She entered management as a young graduate.她作为一名年轻的毕业生开始从事管理工作。enter sth (in/into/on sth) to put information into a set of accounts, a list, a computer file, etc.登账;登记;登录;输入Enter your username and password.输入你的用户名和密码。a system for entering and retrieving data输入和检索数据的系统I enter all my travel expenses on a spreadsheet.我将所有的旅行费用输入电子表格。 data entry enter/join the ˈfrayto join in a situation in which people or companies are competing with each other for sth加入战斗;参与角逐Several more companies have entered the fray to win the contract.又有几家公司加入角逐,争取这份合同。enter ˈserviceto start to be used for the first time投入使用The new aircraft will be ready to enter service in 2009.新飞机准备于 2009 年投入使用。   idiom at force noun ˈenter into sth (with sb)to begin sth or become involved in sth, especially an official discussion or agreement开始;进入;参与Management has agreed to enter into discussions with the unions.管理层已经同意开始与工会讨论。




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