

单词 ex
释义 ex /eks/


() not including sth不包括;除…之外The price is €2 000 ex VAT.价格为 2 000 欧元,增值税另付。 excluding () used to show that a price or contract includes the cost of delivering goods to the place mentioned在…交货(价格或合同中包括至交货地点为止的运费)All prices are ex dock New York.所有价格均为纽约港码头交货价。 delivered ex quay , delivered ex ship () used to show that a price or contract does not include transport from the place mentioned在…交货(价格或合同中不包括自交货地点起的运费) ex warehouse , ex works () used to show that the buyer of a share, bond, etc. will not receive the right to claim the thing mentioned无权获得;不附As of 11 May, the shares will be traded ex bonus.自 5 月 11 日起,交易的股票将不附红利。The bonds will be issued on an ex-interest basis.即将发行的债券不附利息。 OPP cum




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