

单词 exchange
释义 exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/


[, ] an act of giving sth to sb or doing sth for sb and receiving sth in return交换;互换;交流;更换;掉换an exchange of emails电子邮件往来Workers agreed to a pay cut in exchange for shares in the company.工人同意减薪以换取公司的股票。 (; ) [] an organized system that allows traders to buy and sell currencies, investments, goods, etc.; a place where this takes place交易所The company's shares are traded on the Euronext exchange in Paris.这家公司的股票在巴黎的泛欧交易所上市交易。the floor of the exchange (= where traders deal with each other) 交易所的交易大厅They have set up an electronic trading exchange (= for example, using an Internet site) for wood products.他们建立了使用电子交易系统买卖木材产品的交易所。 [] the process of changing an amount of one currency for an equal value of another兑换;汇兑The government plans to introduce controls on currency exchange.政府计划对货币兑换实行管制。 exchange rate , foreign exchange [] an arrangement when two people or groups from different countries visit each other's homes or do each other's jobs for a short time(不同国家人或团体之间的)交流,互访a 12-month work exchange for recent graduates一项为应届毕业生安排的为期 12 个月的工作交流an exchange student交换生 []


telephone exchange B2B exchange bill of exchange commodity exchange foreign exchange futures exchange information exchange International Securities exchange part exchange rate of exchange stock exchange telephone exchange




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