

单词 exhibit
释义 exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ () (NAmE usually exˈhibit)


[] a collection of things, for example products produced by different companies, that are shown to the public; an event at which these things are shown(一批)展览品;展览会an exhibition of photographs摄影展You are invited to join us at our exhibition stand in hall 9.诚邀您到 9 号大厅光临我们的展台。The hotel has space for conferences and exhibitions.这家酒店有会展场地。the cost of exhibit space展位成本 expo fair , show to have / hold / host an exhibition举办/举行/主办展览会 to organize / put on / set up an exhibition举行/举办展览会 to attend / visit an exhibition参展;参观展览会 an exhibition centre / hall / space / stand展览中心/大厅/场地/摊位 trade exhibition




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