

单词 exit
释义 exit /ˈeksɪt; ˈegzɪt/


[] a way out of a public building or vehicle出口;通道;太平门If the alarm sounds, leave by the nearest fire exit.如果警报响起,应从最近的消防通道离开。an act of leaving, especially when sb leaves a job, or a business or an investor leaves a market离去;退出;离职;(尤指企业或投资者)退出市场Her exit has been a blow to the company.她的离职对公司是一个打击。the group's exit from the insurance business这个集团退出保险业务to find / look for / make an exit (from sth)找到/寻找(离开某物的)退路;退出(某物) sth provides an exit (from sth)某物提供了(离开某物的)退路 a way of ending an agreement, a contract, a loan, etc.; an act of doing so终止(协议、合同、贷款等)We must make sure that we have an exit from the contract.我们必须确保拥有终止合同的权利。You pay a 25% exit penalty if you cash in the policy early.如果你提前兑现保单,必须支付 25% 的终止罚金。an exit charge / cost / fee / penalty终止费用/代价/费/罚金 barrier to exit





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