

单词 exit barrier
释义 ˌbarrier to ˈexit ( barriers to exit) ( ˈexit ˌbarrier)


[] () something that makes it difficult for a company to leave an area of business, for example government rules or the cost of stopping employing staff退出壁垒(企业退出某个市场的障碍,如政府条例、停止雇用员工的成本等)high barriers to exit高退出壁垒The presence of a variety of barriers to exit influenced the timing and selection of plants that were closed.各种退出壁垒的存在影响了工厂关闭的时机及选择。something that makes it difficult for a customer to stop using a particular brand of goods or for sb to change their job, etc.退出壁垒(顾客难以停止使用某牌子产品或某人难以转换工作等)We can create an experience for our customers that creates barriers to exit and keeps them loyal. 我们能够为顾客创造一种体验,形成退出壁垒从而使顾客保持忠诚。




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