

单词 apply
释义 apply /əˈplaɪ/


(applies, applying, applied, applied) [] apply (to sb/sth) (for sth) to make a formal written request for sth申请;请求The company has applied for planning permission to build a factory on the site.这公司已申请了在工地建工厂的规划许可。Four people applied for the post of Assistant Manager.四人应征助理经理职位。Please apply in writing with full CV to the Human Resources Manager.请以书面形式并连同详尽的个人简历向人力资源经理提出申请。I decided to apply to business school.我决定申请(入读)商学院。 [] apply sth (to sth) to use sth or make sth work in a particular situation使用;应用When you start work you must apply what you have learned at college.当你开始工作时,你必须把大学学到的知识应用出来。As the new technology was applied to farming, fewer workers were needed.随着新技术在农业中的应用,对工人的需求减少了。 [] (not used in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时) apply (sth) (to sb/sth) to concern or have an effect on sb/sth有关,涉及(某人或某事)Special conditions apply to people who are under 21.21 岁以下者按特殊情况处理。The tax will be applied to all new cars from next year.从明年起,这税项将适用于所有的新车。




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