

单词 fee
释义 fee /fiː/


[] () an amount of money that you pay for professional advice or services专业服务费;谘询费legal fees诉讼费Does the bank charge a fee for setting up the account?在银行开立账户要收费吗?There's an upfront fee of €50 and a small annual charge.有一笔 50 欧元的预付费及小额的年费。a pool of fee income from advisory work一笔谘询费收入   see note at price to charge / collect / earn / pay a fee收取/挣取/支付谘询费 a fat / high / huge / low / nominal fee一大笔/高额/巨额/低额/象征性的谘询费 an annual / hourly / a monthly fee年/小时/月服务费 a fixed / flat / one-off / an upfront fee固定/统一/一次性/预付的谘询费 consultancy / management / transaction / transfer fees顾问/管理/交易/转让费 an amount of money that you pay to join an organization or to do sth(加入组织或做某事付的)费用a membership fee会费access / entry / membership / registration / subscription fees使用费;门票;会费;注册费;订阅费 to charge / collect / pay a fee收取/支付费用 break fee break-up fee commitment fee contingency fee contingent fee licence fee no-win no-fee user fee




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