

单词 fill
释义 fill /fɪl/


[] to appoint sb to a job派人担任The vacancy has already been filled.空缺已有人接任了。to do a job, have a role or position, etc.担任;充任He fills the post satisfactorily (= performs his duties well).他非常尽职。The team needs someone to fill the role of manager very soon.这个团队迫切需要有人来担任经理。to make or sell sth that is not yet available填补The managing editor thinks the new magazine will fill a gap in the market.执行主编认为新杂志将填补市场空白。to provide sth that will stop people from continuing to want or need sth满足The hardware store has devoted itself to filling customers' needs.这家五金店致力于满足顾客的需要。if a company fills an order, it gives the customer the goods they have asked for执行(订单)They have a reputation for filling orders quickly.他们以快捷执行订单闻名。if sb fills a shortfall , they provide sth so that there will be as much as is needed or expected弥补(差距、不足)plans to train staff in order to fill the shortfall of skills培训员工以弥补技能不足的计划 fill your ˈpocketsto make or take a lot of money for yourself中饱私囊There were rumours that the bosses had filled their pockets at the expense of shareholders.有传言说老板们为了中饱私囊不惜牺牲股东的利益。fill sb's ˈshoes/ˈbootsto do sb's job in a satisfactory way when they are not there顶替某人的位置When she leaves it will not be easy to find somebody to fill her shoes.当她离开时,找人来顶替她的位置不太容易。 ˌfill ˈin (for sb/as sth)to do sb's job for a short time while they are not there暂时顶替;临时补缺ˌfill sth ˈin ( ˌfill sth ˈout) to complete a form, etc. by writing information on it填写(表格等)You can fill out the application online.可以在线填写申请表。ˌfill sb ˈin (on sth)to tell sb about sth that has happened向某人提供情况Can you fill me in on what happened in the meeting?你能告诉我会议情况吗?ˌfill sth ˈout


fill sth in
ˌfill ˈup (with sth) ˌfill sth ˈup (with sth)to become completely full; to make sth completely full充满;(使)填满,装满Our order books are beginning to fill up.我们的订单开始满了。




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