

单词 follow
释义 follow /ˈfɒləʊ; NAmE ˈfɑːloʊ/


[] to come after sth/sb else in time or order; to happen as a result of sth(指时间或顺序)在…后发生,因…而发生The share price fell dramatically following the company's poor results.这家公司经营不善,导致其股票价格急剧下降。Our opening hours are as follows我们的开放时间如下… [] to accept advice, instructions, etc. and do what you have been told or shown to do接受,听从,遵循(忠告、指示等)We are required to follow certain rules on hygiene and safety.我们必须遵循某些卫生和安全规则。 [] to act or behave in the same way that sb else has just done; to copy sb/sth追随;仿效If the insurer cuts its dividend others will surely follow.如果这家保险公司削减其红利,其他保险公司一定会仿效。They followed the lead of other carmakers and reduced their product range.他们照着其他汽车制造商行事,减少了他们的产品种类。 [] to develop or happen in a particular way按…方式发展;以…方式发生Inflation is likely to follow a downward trend until next year.明年之前,通货膨胀很可能会一直呈下降趋势。 ˌfollow ˈthrough (on/with sth) ˌfollow sth ˈthroughto finish sth that you have started将…进行到底;完成(开了头的事)They failed to follow through on their commitments.他们未能兑现承诺。 follow-through ˌfollow sth ˈup ˌfollow ˈup on sth/sbto find out more about sth/sb that sb has told you about or suggested to you追查更多情况Remember to follow up on all sales leads (= information about possible customers).记得跟进所有的销售线索,发掘潜在顾客。 follow-up ˌfollow sth ˈup with sthto add to sth that you have just done by doing sth else对…采取进一步行动;在…后接着You should follow up your phone call with an email or a letter.你打过电话之后还应该接着发一封电子邮件或一封信。 follow-up




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