

单词 footing
释义 footing /ˈfʊtɪŋ/


[; ] the state of being strong and steady稳固的地位;基础The economy has struggled to regain its footing.这个国家尽力稳住经济阵脚。The loan has put the company back on a sound financial footing.这笔贷款将公司重新置于稳健的资金基础之上。to find / gain / lose / regain your footing找到/获得/失去/重获立足点 to be on / put sb / sth on a …footing(使)建立在…基础上 a firm / good / solid / sound / stable / strong footing稳固的/良好的/牢固的/稳健的/稳定的/强大的基础 [] the position or status of sb/sth in relation to others; the relationship between two or more people or groups地位;人际关系We are competing on an equal footing with foreign firms.我们与外国公司在平等的基础上竞争。The new law puts temporary staff on the same footing as long-term employees. 新法律使临时工与长期雇员享有同等待遇。to be on a …footing有…关系 a competitive / an equal / the same footing竞争性的/平等的/相同的地位




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