

单词 free
释义 free /friː/


(freer /ˈfriːə(r)/, freest /ˈfriːɪst/) costing nothing不收费的Drug companies regularly give out free samples of their products.制药公司定期发放免费的产品试用样品。The website is free for personal use (but companies pay to use it).本网站免费供个人使用(但公司需付费使用)。able to move or be exchanged between people without restrictions自由的;不受约束的There is free movement of capital and labour within the European Union.欧盟内部资本和劳动力可以自由流动。a free flow of information信息的自由流通not containing or affected by sth harmful or unpleasant不含有害物的;不受影响的Our products are completely free from harmful chemicals.我们的产品完全不含有害化学物。Benefits received under the policy are free of tax.这条政策带来的好处是免税。-free (in adjectives 用于构成形容词) without the thing mentioned; not affected by the thing mentioned没有…的;不受…影响的a risk-free investment无风险的投资available to be used可使用的;空着的The software requires about 20 megabytes of free hard-disk space.这个软件大约需要 20 兆字节的可用硬盘空间。(about a person or a time) without particular plans or arrangements; not busy(人或时间)没有安排活动的,空闲的Keep Monday morning free for a meeting.把星期一上午空出来开会。 there's no such ˌthing as a free ˈlunchused to say that it is not possible to get sth for nothing没有免费的午餐(表示世上没有任何不付代价就能得到的东西) duty-free hands-free interest-free post-free smoke-free tax-free toll-free





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