

单词 get
释义 get /get/


[] (getting, got, got /gɒt; NAmE gɑːt/) (not used in the passive 不用被动语态) HELP In spoken American English the past participle gotten is almost always used.美式英语口语中过去分词几乎都用 gotten。to receive sth收到;接到;得到She gets (= earns) €50 000 a year.她一年挣 5 万欧元。We got more than a hundred responses to the questionnaire.我们收到 100 多份问卷回复。to obtain sth获得;得到He just got a new job.他刚找到一份新的工作。You can get the basic model for $100.100 元能买到基本型号。to obtain or receive an amount of money by selling sth(出售某物)挣得,获得We got a good price for the van.我们的货车卖了个好价钱。to buy sth, for example a newspaper or magazine, regularly(定期)买,购买Which newspaper do you get?你订阅什么报纸?   idiom at arrears ˌget aˈcross (to sb) ˌget sth aˈcross (to sb)to be communicated or understood; to succeed in communicating sth被传达;被理解;把…讲清楚He's not very good at getting his ideas across.他不太善于表达自己的想法。ˌget aˈhead (of sb)to make progress (further than others have done)领先;超过(某人)She wants to get ahead in her career.她希望在事业上脱颖而出。ˌget ˈback to sbto speak or write to sb again later, especially in order to give a reply以后再答复(或回复)某人I'll find out the price and get back to you.我查明价格之后再答复你。ˌget beˈhind (with sth)to fail to make enough progress or to produce sth at the right time落后;拖延;拖欠We're getting behind with the project.我们的工程拖延了。She got behind with her loan repayments.她拖欠还贷。ˌget ˈby (on/in/with sth)to manage to live or do a particular thing using the money, knowledge, equipment, etc. that you have(靠…)维持生计,设法度日,勉强应付How does she get by on such a small salary?她靠这点微薄的工资怎么过日子?ˌget ˈdown to sthto begin to do sth; to give serious attention to sth开始做某事;开始认真注意(或对待)某事Let's get down to business.咱们开始干正事吧。ˌget ˈinto sthto start a career in a particular profession开始从事某职业How did you get into programming?你是如何干上编程这一行的?ˌget ˈoff ˌget ˈoff sthto leave work with permission经允许离开工作;下班What time do you get off (work) on Friday?你星期五什么时候下班?ˌget ˈon to sb (about sth)to contact sb by telephone, letter or email(用电话、书信或电子邮件)与某人联系The money should have been paid yesterday; I'll get on to our accounts department.这笔钱昨天就应该支付了,我去和我们的会计部门联系一下。ˌget ˈon with sthused to talk or ask about how well or fast sb is doing a task(谈及或问及工作情况)进展,进步I'm not getting on very fast with this job.我的这份工作进展不太快。ˌget ˈout (of sth)to stop being involved in sth; to escape a difficult situation逃避;规避;摆脱(困境)We wanted to make a quick profit and then get out (= of the market, deal, etc.).我们希望尽快赚一笔钱,然后退出(市场、交易等)。ˌget sth ˈoutto produce or publish sth生产;发表We are determined to get the new model out by the end of the year.我们决心在年底前生产出新型号的产品。ˌget ˈthrough sthto manage to do or complete sth(设法)处理,完成Let's start the meeting—there's a lot to get through.咱们开始开会吧 ── 有好多事需要处理呢。ˌget ˈthrough (sth) ˌget sth ˈthrough (sth)to be officially accepted; to make sth be officially accepted(使)正式通过,获得采纳The firm will still need to get the drug through the US approval process.公司仍需使此药物获得美国审批程序的通过。ˌget ˈthrough (to sb)to make contact with sb by telephone(用电话)打通,联系上I couldn't get through on the number you gave me.你给我的这个电话号码打不通。ˌget ˈthrough to sbto make sb understand or accept what you say, especially when you are trying to help them(尤指在努力帮助某人时)使某人理解,使某人接受(所讲的话)Her views have finally got through to the directors.董事们最终接受了她的观点。




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