

单词 goods
释义 goods /gʊdz/


[] physical things that are produced to be sold, including things that are manufactured or prepared and raw materials商品;货物agricultural/electrical/household/sporting goods农产品;电器商品;家用商品;体育用品a French luxury goods company一家法国奢侈品公司a rise in the price of basic goods基本生活用品价格的上涨New orders for costly manufactured goods are falling.对昂贵制成品的新订单正在减少。Customers feel more confident about buying goods and services on the Internet.顾客对在互联网上购买商品和服务更有信心。There is a time lag between invoicing a client and delivery of the goods.给顾客开出发票到交货之间有一段时间。cheap / low-priced / mass-produced goods廉价/低价/批量生产的商品 branded / brand-name / own-label goods品牌/名牌/自有品牌商品 to make / manufacture / produce goods制作/制造/生产商品 to buy / export / import / sell goods购买/出口/进口/出售商品 to deliver / supply / transport goods交付/供应/运输货物 () (often used before a noun 常用于名词前) things (not people) that are transported by rail, road, ship, etc.(铁路、公路、轮船等运载的)货物a goods train货运列车a heavy goods vehicle重型货车 cargo , freight a goods train / van / vehicle货运列车/货车/车辆 a goods depot / yard货运仓库/堆场 deliver/come up with the ˈgoods () to do what you have promised to do or what people expect or want you to do履行诺言;不负所望The company looks good on paper, and its shares could go higher if it delivers the goods.这家公司理论上似乎不错,如果真能如它所言,其股价还会走高。 brown goods bulk goods capital goods complementary goods consumer goods consumption goods dry goods durable goods e-goods fashion goods grey goods hard goods industrial goods intermediate goods investment goods packaged goods shopping goods soft goods sporting goods substitute goods wet goods white goods




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