

单词 head
释义 head /hed/


[] to lead or be in charge of sth领导;带领She has been appointed to head a team of 50 sales staff.她获委任领导 50 名销售人员组成的团队。a committee headed by an outside lawyer由一位外部律师领导的委员会 SYN head up sth [] ( be headed, especially in NAmE ) (used with an adverb or a preposition 常与副词或介词连用) to move in a particular direction朝某方向行进Can you forecast where the economy is heading?你能够预测经济会朝哪个方向发展吗?The manufacturing sector may be heading back towards recession.制造业部门很可能会倒退到衰退阶段。Prices are already headed higher.价格已经上涨。100 000 copies of the new game are headed for the US.这款新游戏有十万套已经运往美国。 [] (usually be headed) to put a word or words at the top of a page or section of a book or an article as a title(在页面或书籍、文章的章节之前)加标题a section of the report headed ‘Strengths and weaknesses of the company’报告中题为“公司的优势与劣势”的一章Print the letter on headed paper (= paper with the company's name and address on it).用公司信头纸列印这封信。 head ˈnorth/ˈsouth(about share prices, currencies, etc.) to rise/fall in value(股票、货币等的价格)价值上升/下降The country's currency headed south for the second day, weakening 1.4%.这国的币值连续两天下跌,跌幅达 1.4%。 ˌhead sth ˈoffto take action in order to prevent sth from happening防止某事发生trying to head off job losses设法避免失业ˌhead ˈup sthto lead or be in charge of a department, part of an organization, etc.领导;主管They are searching for someone to head up the new department.他们正在寻找一个可以领导这新部门的人。HELP A noun must always follow up, but a pronoun comes between the verb and up 名词必须总是放在 up 之后,但是代词应放在动词和 up 之间。 SYN head verb (1)   see note at responsibility





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