

单词 heavy
释义 heavy /ˈhevi/


(heavier, heaviest) more or worse than usual in amount, degree, etc.(数量、程度等)超乎寻常的;比一般严重的Trading was heavy at 818 million shares.交易量达到超乎寻常的 8.18 亿股。The bank faces heavy losses.银行面临十分严重的亏损。Competition from cheap imports is now heavier than ever.目前来自廉价进口产品的竞争比以往都更为激烈。(about machines, vehicles, etc.) large and powerful(机器、车辆等)大型的;重型的The company manufactures a wide range of heavy machinery.这公司生产各种重型机械。heavy trucks重型卡车 () heavy on sth using or having a lot of sth使用很多…的;有很多…的We're light on stocks and heavy on bonds.我们投资少量股票,但持有大量债券。 [] involving a lot of work or activity; very busy繁重的;繁忙的a heavy schedule繁忙的日程needing a lot of physical strength辛苦的;费力的I have been advised to avoid heavy lifting.有人建议我要避免从事费力的提举工作。 heavily /ˈhevɪli/


Microsoft has invested heavily in China.微软在中国进行了大量投资。heavily indebted telecoms firms (= with large amounts of debt) 负债累累的电信公司a heavily loaded van一辆满载的货车




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