

单词 held
释义 hold /həʊld; NAmE hoʊld/


(held, held /held/) [] to have or own sth拥有The government holds a 55% stake in the firm.政府在这企业中拥有 55% 的股份。a privately/publicly held company私有/公有公司Most of our funds are held in cash.我们的大多数资金都是以现金形式持有的。 [] to organize and have a meeting, a discussion, an event, etc.组织(会议、讨论、活动等)The board will hold a meeting on Tuesday to discuss the proposals.董事会将于星期二举行会议讨论这些建议。 [] to have a particular job or position, especially an important or official one担任(尤指重要或官方的工作或职位)Few women hold top executive jobs.妇女很少担任高级管理人员岗位。 [] to have enough space for sth/sb; to contain sth/sb容纳This barrel holds 25 litres.这只桶能容纳 25 升。 [] to keep a price, cost, etc. at a particular level维持(价格、成本等)The central bank has decided to hold interest rates at 4.0 per cent.中央银行决定将利率维持在 4%。 [] to remain the same维持How long can these prices hold?这些价格可以维持多久?These stocks tend to hold their value.这些股票倾向于维持价值不变。 [] to keep sth so that it can be used later保存;存贮records held on computer保存在电脑上的记录We can hold your reservation for three days.我们可以将你的预订保留三天。stocks of finished goods held by manufacturers制造商贮存的制成品存货 [] to wait until you can speak to the person you have telephoned不要挂断(电话)That extension is busy right now. Can you hold?那部分机现在占线,请你等一下好吗? () [] to make a judgement about sb/sth in a court判决The judge held ( that) she had been negligent.法官判决她玩忽职守。 find (2) be in a ˈholding patternto be in a situation where there is not much change or activity处于维持状态;没有多少变化或行动The market will be in a holding pattern until after the holiday.一直到假日之后,市场都将处于维持状态。hold sb's ˈhandto give sb a lot of support and help (often used in a disapproving way)帮助某人(常带有贬义)A qualified employee shouldn't need anyone to hold their hand.一位称职的员工不应该经常需要别人帮忙。 hand-holding ˌhold the ˈfloorto speak during a formal discussion, especially for a long time so that nobody else is able to say anything以冗长的发言控制会场;讲冗长而令人厌烦的话ˌhold the ˈpurse stringsto be in control of how money is spent掌管钱财 ; 掌握财权   idiom at check noun, ground noun ˌhold sb/sth ˈbackto limit or slow down the progress of sb/sth限制某人;减缓某事的进程High interest rates are holding back growth.高利率限制了增长。ˌhold sth ˈdownto keep sth at a low level压低The rate of inflation must be held down.通货膨胀率必须压低。holding down costs降低成本to keep a job for some time保住(工作)He finds it difficult to hold down a job.他发现保住工作十分困难。ˌhold ˈon () used on the telephone to ask sb to wait until they can talk to the person they want(电话用语)不要挂断,请等一下Can you hold on? I'll see if he's here.不要挂断,我看看他是否在。ˌhold ˈon to sth/sb ˌhold ˈonto sth/sbto keep sth/sb that is valuable or that provides an advantage; to not give or sell sth to sb else保住优势;不送出(或卖出)某物You should hold on to your oil shares.你应该继续持有这些石油股票。the difficulty of holding on to skilled employees留住熟练员工的困难ˌhold ˈout for sthto cause a delay in reaching an agreement because you hope you will gain sth(为获取利益)拖延达成协定The union is holding out for a higher pay offer.工会在拖延达成协定,从而希望得到提薪的承诺。 holdout ˌhold sth ˈover (usually be held over) to not deal with sth immediately; to leave sth to be dealt with later推迟;搁置This matter will be held over until the next meeting.这一事项将推迟到下次会议讨论。ˌhold ˈupto remain strong; to work well支撑;继续下去Sales for the third quarter held up better than expected.第三季度的销售额继续好过预期。ˌhold sb/sth ˈupto delay or block the movement or progress of sb/sth延迟;阻碍Differences of opinion over price could hold up a deal.对价格的分歧可能会阻碍交易的达成。 hold-up





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