

单词 hold
释义 hold /həʊld; NAmE hoʊld/


[] influence, power or control over sb/sth影响;权力;控制The merger will allow them to increase their hold on the domestic market.这一合并将加大他们对国内市场的影响力。The management still have a strong hold over the company.管理层对公司依然大权在握。to gain / increase / loosen / lose / maintain / tighten a hold取得/增强/放松/失去/维持/加紧控制 () [; ]


hold rating Deutsche Bank downgraded the stock from ‘hold’ to ‘sell’.德意志银行将这股票从“持有”降级为“出售” 。 () [] the part of a ship or plane where the goods being carried are stored货舱;底层舱;船舱The goods were loaded into the ship's hold.货物被装入轮船的货舱中。 on ˈholddelayed until a later time or date推迟;中断The project has been put on hold due to lack of funding.这项目因缺乏资金被迫中断。(especially about interest rates) remaining the same(尤指利率)维持不变The committee voted to keep/leave interest rates on hold.委员会投票决定维持利率不变。if a person on the telephone is put on hold, they have to wait until the person that they want to talk to is free等某人来接电话Do you mind if I put you on hold?请等我一会儿再和你通话好吗?take ˈholdto start to have an effect; to become strong开始影响;变得十分强大A new idea about management took hold in boardrooms and business schools.一种对管理的新观念在董事会和商学院的影响越来越大。




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