

单词 accommodation
释义 accommodation /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn; NAmE əˌkɑːm-/


[] () (NAmE aˌccommoˈdations []) a place to live, work or stay in住处;办公处;停留处(BrE) We have moved to temporary accommodation.我们已搬进临时住所。(NAmE) There is a shortage of good office accommodations in the area.这个地区好的办公用房短缺。 () [; , ] a satisfactory agreement or arrangement between people or groups with different opinions调解;和解We hope to arrive at/reach an accommodation with the trade unions.我们希望与工会达成调解协议。 () [] () money that is lent for a short time, especially because sb has an urgent need for it, before a formal arrangement is made短期贷款(尤指在正式贷款协议签署之前应急之用的贷款)




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