

单词 industry
释义 industry /ˈɪndəstri/


( industries) [] the production of goods from raw materials, especially in factories工业;生产制造They raised import duties to protect local industry.他们征收进口税以保护本地工业。the problems of British industry英国工业的问题He left college and went into industry.他离开大学,进入工厂。domestic / local / traditional industry国内/本地/传统工业 to be in / go into / enter industry从事/搞工业;进入工业界 [] the people and activities involved in producing a particular thing, or in providing a particular service行业the banking/car/steel industry银行/汽车/钢铁业We're in an industry that's growing at 14% a year.我们所在的行业年增长率 14%。We're in a growth industry.我们所在的行业处在增长中。Sales fell across the industry.整个行业的销售量下降。   see note at trade a global / growing / growth / key / mature industry全球/成长中的/发展中的/关键/成熟行业 domestic / global / local / traditional industries国内/全球/地方/传统行业 communications / manufacturing / service industries通讯/制造/服务行业 to create / dominate / lead an industry创建/支配/领导一个行业 to regulate / restructure an industry规范/重整行业 an industry analyst / expert / observer行业分析员/专家/观察员 agro-industry basic industry captain of industry cottage industry Department of Trade and industry heavy industry heritage industry leisure industry light industry primary industry secondary industry service industry strategic industry sunrise industry sunset industry tertiary industry




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