

单词 introduce
释义 introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs; NAmE ˈduːs/


[] to make a new product or service available to people for the first time推出(新产品或服务)Earlier this year the manufacturer introduced the product to the general market.今年早些时候,制造商向普通市场推出这一产品。The new service will be introduced next year.这项新服务将在明年推出。 SYN bring sth in to start to use a new system or a new method of doing sth开始使用,采用(新系统、新方法)We've introduced a computerised system to deal with orders.我们已采用电脑系统处理订单。 SYN bring sth in introduce A (to B) | introduce A and B | introduce yourself (to sb) to tell two or more people who have not met before what one another's names are; to tell sb what your name is介绍;引见;使相互认识;作(自我)介绍Can I introduce my wife?我来介绍一下我的妻子。Participants get one minute to introduce themselves.参与者有一分钟时间作自我介绍。 (often be introduced (to sth/sb)) to help sb find out about sth/sb or do sth for the first time被介绍给;帮助(某人)了解Jones was introduced to the firm by a business associate.一位生意合伙人将琼斯介绍给这家公司。The course introduces students to drafting business plans.这门课程向学生介绍起草商业计划的事宜。to formally suggest a new law so that it can be discussed将(法案)提交讨论The government has introduced a bill to reform pensions.政府已提交一项改革养老金的议案。




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