

单词 job
释义 job /dʒɒb; NAmE dʒɑːb/


[] work for which you receive regular payment工作;职业;职位She applied for a job as director of marketing.她申请营销总监一职。Who is likely to get the top job at the bank?谁有可能在银行谋到高职?jobs in the auto industry汽车行业的职位He's been out of a job (= unemployed) for six months now.他现已失业了六个月。The plan involves about 10 000 job losses.这个计划涉及裁减大约 1 万个职位。to apply for / look for a job申请/寻找工作 to find / get / have / keep / take a job找/得到/有/保住/接受工作 to leave / lose / quit a job离职;失业;辞职 to offer sb / fill a job聘请某人工作;找工作 a full-time / part-time / permanent / steady / temporary job全职/兼职/固定/稳定/临时工作 to create / cut / shed jobs创造就业;裁员;削减职位 job cuts / losses裁员 job offers / openings / opportunities工作邀请;职位名额;工作机会 a particular task or piece of work(一项)任务;(一件)工作,活儿Fighting inflation is the bank's main job.打击通货膨胀是银行的主要工作。Two men have been given the job of pushing up the company's sales and profits.两个男人所要做的工作就是提高公司的销售额和利润。They have done a couple of design jobs for us.他们为我们干了几件设计的活儿。Clients pay professional advisers by the hour, not by the job.客户支付的专业顾问费用是按小时而不是按每件工作计算的。a responsibility or duty职责;责任The broker's job is to act in the best interests of their investors.经纪人的职责是要为投资者谋求最大利益。It's not my job to lock up!锁好门窗不是我的责任! () an item of work which is processed by a computer as a single unit(作为一个单元由电脑处理的)作业,工作The job can be processed overnight.这个活儿连夜就可以处理完。 SYN task do a good, great, bad, etc. ˈjob (on sth) make a good, bad, etc. job of sthto do sth well, badly, etc.干得好(或干得差等)They did a very professional job.他们干得非常专业。The authors make an excellent job of summarizing their approach to management.这些作者将管理方法总结得好极了。don't give up the ˈday jobused to tell sb in a humorous way that you do not think they are very good at sth they are doing that is not their real job不要放弃自己的专长(以幽默的方式告诉某人你对他们目前所做的工作并不满意,不是他们应做的工作)a job of ˈwork () ( or ) work that you are paid to do or that must be done分内的事;必须做的工作jobs for the ˈboys () () people use the expression jobs for the boys when they are criticizing the fact that sb in power has given work to friends or relatives为亲信安排的工作;任人唯亲more than your ˈjob's worth (to do sth) () () not worth doing because it is against the rules or because it might cause you to lose your job工作所不允许的事;违反原则的事;有可能丢饭碗的事on the ˈjobwhile doing a particular job在上班时;在干活时;在工作岗位上No sleeping on the job!上班时不准睡觉!on-the-job training在职培训   idiom at walk verb desk job off-the-job on-the-job job / career / position / post / vocation / work <chn/>Your job is what you do in order to receive a regular income. The word is often used when describing how your work meets your personal or financial requirements. * job 指为了获得定期收入而从事的工作,指用于满足个人或经济需要之工作a boring/an interesting/a well-paid job 枯燥的/有趣的/收入颇丰的工作Work is an uncountable noun and is used to describe what you do in your job. * work 是不可数名词,用于指在岗位上所做的事情What work do you do? 你从事什么工作?full-time/manual/skilled work. 全职/体力/技术工作 It is also often used when speaking about the relationship between your personal life and time spent working. 也用于指与个人生活相对的工作the difficulties of balancing work and family 平衡工作和家庭的难处Both job and work are used to describe the state of having work. * job 和 work 都可用来指就业状态to look for/find work/a job 寻找/找到工作to be out of work/a job (= not doing any paid work) 失业 A career is a series of jobs in a particular area of work, especially one for which you need a qualification or special training. * career 指一系列特定领域的工作,尤其指需要一定资质或专门培训的工作a career in business/law 经商;律师职业A vocation describes a career that you believe is particularly suitable for you, even though it may be difficult or badly paid. * vocation 指特别适合自己的职业,尽管可能难度大、报酬低He found his vocation in teaching. 他把教书当作自己的职业。Post and position are both fairly formal and are often found in advertisements. Post is often used about academic or government jobs. * post 和 position 都很正式,经常会在招聘广告中出现。post 常用于学术或管理职位a teaching post 教职 .Position often refers to a job in a company with a lot of responsibility. * position 常常指公司里的要职a managerial/senior position 管理/高层职位





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