

单词 knock
释义 knock /nɒk; NAmE nɑːk/


[] (often used with an adverb 常与副词连用) to affect sb/sth badly严重影响(某人/某事)Scandals like this are knocking investor confidence.像这样的丑闻正严重影响投资者的信心。A decline in sales knocked profits back 67% to €7.7 million.销售量的下降使利润下降 67% 至 770 万欧元。 come ˈknocking () if sb comes knocking they speak to or visit you because they want sth主动上门You can't rely on existing customers to come knocking when they need something.你不能指望现有的顾客需要东西的时候会主动上门。knock on/at sb's/the ˈdoor knock on ˈdoors () to talk to or visit sb because you want sth from them敲门(有要求时才去和人说话或拜访人)Investment bankers have been knocking on our door once a month (= wanting to invest).投资银行家每月一次敲我们的门(想投资)。 ˌknock sb/sth ˈback (usually be knocked back) to have a bad effect on sb/sth; to prevent sb/sth from achieving sth or making progress对(某人/某事)有不良影响;阻碍,妨碍(取得成果或进步)The economy was knocked back by last year's recession.经济受到去年衰退的不良影响。 () () to reject sb/sth拒绝(某人/某事)They remain optimistic, although their takeover bid has been knocked back.尽管他们的收购被拒绝,他们依然保持乐观态度。ˌknock sb ˈdown (from sth) (to sth) () to persuade sb to reduce the price of sth说服某人降价;使降价;杀价I managed to knock him down to $400.我终于使他将价格降到了 400 美元。 knock-down ˌknock sth ˈdown (from sth) (to sth) () to reduce the price of sth降价They knocked down the price from €400 to €300.他们把价格从 400 欧元降到 300 欧元。 knock-down ˈknock sth from sthto cause the value of sth to fall by the amount mentioned(某物的价值)下跌The weakness of the currency knocked $30 million from our profits.货币疲软使我们的利润下降了 3000 万元。ˌknock ˈoff ˌknock ˈoff sth () to stop doing sth, especially work停止某事;中断某事;(尤指)下班,收工Do you want to knock off early today?你今天想早点收工吗?ˌknock ˈoff sth () to produce a product that is a cheap copy of sb else's design, often illegally(常指非法)抄袭HELP A noun or phrase must follow off, but a pronoun is placed between the verb and off.名词或短语必须放在 off 之后,但代词放在动词和 off 中间。 knock-off ˌknock sth ˈoff ˌknock sth ˈoff sthto reduce the price, value, length, etc. of sth降价;贬值;缩短They knocked off €50 because there was a scratch.因为有擦痕,他们将价格降了 50 欧元。The news knocked 13% off the company's shares.这个消息使公司股价下跌了 13%。





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