

单词 load
释义 load /ləʊd; NAmE loʊd/


[] something that is being carried, especially in large amounts负载;负荷The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their loads.这些卡车在仓库等着装载货物。These planes are designed to carry heavy loads.这些飞机是为运载重物而设计的。 cargo to carry / deliver / pick up / transport a load运载/交付/装载/运输货物 a heavy / large load重型/大型货物 (often used to form a noun with another noun 常与另一名词构成名词) the total amount of sth that sth can carry or contain装载量;容纳量a busload of tourists满载一辆公共汽车的游客They ordered three truckloads of sand.他们订购了三卡车的沙子。The plane took off with a full load.飞机满载起飞。an amount of work that a person or machine has to do工作量;负荷He hired more employees to lighten his load.他雇用更多的员工以减轻他的工作量。Sharing the load makes work less stressful.分担工作量使工作压力减轻。 workload to lighten / reduce a load减轻/减少工作量 to share / spread the load分担/分散工作量 the fact of having to pay an amount of money, especially a large amount; the amount of money that you owe(尤指支付大笔钱的)负担;负债Many companies were already struggling with high debt loads.许多公司为高额负债苦苦挣扎。 SYN burden a debt / tax load债务/税务负担 () a fee that is charged when an investor buys or sells shares in an investment fund, an insurance policy, etc.(投资者买卖投资基金股票、保险单等收取的)手续费The fund carries a 5.75% load.这基金收取 5.75% 的手续费。 back-end load dead load front-end load Full Container Load Less than Container Load





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