

单词 loan
释义 loan /ləʊn; NAmE loʊn/


[] money that an organization such as a bank lends and sb borrows贷款;借款The government offers low-interest loans to small companies.政府向小公司提供低息贷款。Many people take out a loan to buy a new car.许多人借款购买新车。The loans should be repaid within ten years.贷款必须在十年内偿还。The company had breached the terms of its loan agreement.这公司已违反了贷款协议的条款。The banks have refused to extend (= give) more loans to the company.这些银行已拒绝向这家公司提供更多的贷款。Lower interest rates have made it easier for companies to service (= pay interest on) their loans.低利率使公司支付贷款利息变得较容易。 loan servicing   see note at lend a high-interest / an interest-free / a low-interest / no-interest loan高息/免息/低息/无息贷款 a long-term / short-term loan长期/短期贷款 consumer / corporate / personal loans消费者/企业/个人贷款 to apply for / arrange / take out a loan申请/安排/取得贷款 to get / give sb / make sb a loan给/给某人贷款;贷款给某人 to pay back / pay off / repay a loan归还/偿还/付还贷款 a loan agreement / facility / repayment贷款协议/融通/偿还 amortizing loan back-to-back loan bad loan bridge loan call loan commercial loan consumer loan demand loan discount loan hang-out loan hard loan home equity loan home loan property loan real estate loan revolving loan signature loan soft loan term loan tied loan loan / facility / home loan / mortgage / overdraft <chn/> All these words are used to describe money that banks lend to customers. 这些词汇都指银行贷放给客户的资金。Loan is the most general word and is used about money lent both to individuals and businesses. Loans can be paid back over short or long periods of time and can be small or large. * loan (贷款)是一个通用词汇。贷款对象可以是个人或企业,偿还期限可长可短,金额可大可小。Mortgages or home loans are used by individuals to buy homes. The amount borrowed is large and paid back over a number of years. * mortgage (按揭)和 home loans (房贷)用于个人购买住房。所借金额较大,分若干年还清。Overdrafts are used by individuals and businesses. An overdraft differs from a loan in that there is not a particular amount of money that is lent at a particular time. It is an arrangement to borrow up to an agreed amount whenever you need it. You obtain the money through your bank account. * overdrafts (透支)可用于个人或企业。透支与贷款的不同点在于:没有确定的货款期限和金额。它指客户在需要时可通过银行账户借入不超出协议额度的资金。Facility is used to describe any arrangement in which a person or company can borrow money during a particular period of time up to an agreed amount. This can be an overdraft, or it may have special conditions and be established for a particular purpose. * facility (贷款)指个人或公司在特定时期内可以借入不超出最大融资额的资金的安排。它可以是透支,也可以是带有特定的条件,用于特定的用途The company has secured a short-term facility to fund the purchase. 这家公司得到了一笔短期融资贷款用于采购。   See note at lend 参见 lend。





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