

单词 market
释义 market /ˈmɑːkɪt; NAmE ˈmɑːrk-/


[] business or trade; the amount of trade in a particular type of goods, services, investments, etc.市场the world market in coffee世界咖啡市场the advertising/insurance/telecoms market广告/保险/电讯市场the shares market股票市场The hardware market is severely depressed.硬件市场极度萧条。The company performed well despite difficult market conditions.尽管市场形势严峻,这家公司业绩仍然很好。 market share to break into / enter / come into / go into the market打入/进入市场 to capture / dominate the market (in sth)占有/控制(某)市场 the domestic / global / international / local / world market (in sth)国内/全球/国际/当地/世界(某)市场 an active / a booming / rising / steady / strong market活跃的/繁荣的/上升的/稳定的/强劲的市场 a competitive / tough market竞争性/严峻的市场 a depressed / dull / falling / weak market萧条的/呆滞的/下滑的/疲软的市场 market conditions / prices / rates市场条件/价格/利率 [] a particular area, country or section of the population that might buy goods or services市场(可能购买产品或服务的特定地区、国家或人群)We produce this version for the Japanese market.我们生产这一款式专供日本市场。They hope to break into the teenage market.他们希望打入青少年市场。Our product is aimed at the corporate market.我们的产品面向企业市场。The Internet is opening up new markets for companies.互联网为企业开辟了新市场。The EU has become Chile's largest export market.欧盟已经成为智利最大的出口市场。to enter / find / open up / operate in / penetrate a market进入/寻找/开辟/经营/打入某市场 to break into / go into / move into a market打入/进入某市场 the domestic / home / international / local market国内/国际/本地市场 a developed / developing / growing / growth / mature market发达/发展中/增长中的/成长型/成熟市场 an important / a key / large / main market重要/关键/大/主要市场 [] a demand for a product; the number of people, businesses, etc. who buy it or want to buy it市场需求There is no longer a market for tin.锡已经不再有市场需求。Retailers have created a market for organic food.零售商开辟了有机食品市场。a slump in the global market for PCs全球个人电脑市场的萎缩to build / create a market建立/开辟市场 a big / good / large / poor / small market (for sth)(对某物的)大规模的/充足的/贫乏的/小规模的市场 an expanding / a growing / shrinking market正在扩张的/日益增长的/日益缩小的市场 the annual / domestic / global / world / worldwide market for sth(对某物的)年度/国内/全球/世界/世界范围的需求 () (usually the market) [] an economic system in which the price of goods and services is affected by supply and demand rather than controlled by government市场(由供求决定价格而非政府控制的经济制度)Power supply cannot be left to the market.能源供应不能任由市场决定。The market will decide if the TV station has any future.电视台是否有前景将由市场决定。a crowded market (= a situation where there are lots of competing products) 产品众多的市场market-based / market-driven / market-led以市场为基础的;市场驱动的;市场引导的 () []


financial market () []


stock market
[] an occasion when people buy and sell goods; the open area or the building where they meet to do this集市a cattle/fish/fruit and vegetable/meat market牲口集市;鱼市;果蔬市场;肉市We buy our vegetables at/in the market.我们在集市上购买蔬菜。The traders take their flowers to market early in the morning.商贩一早就把鲜花运往集市。Wednesday is market day.星期三是集市日。a covered / an indoor market带篷的/室内集市 an open-air / outdoor / a street market露天/室外/街道集市 market stalls / traders集市摊位/商贩 [] () a shop/store, especially one that sells food or one kind of goods小商店;食品店There is a local mini-market only a short distance away.不远处有一家当地小食品店。 be first, quick, etc. to ˈmarketto be the first, be quick, etc. to get a product ready to sell首先打入市场;迅速打入市场Being first to market does not guarantee success.首先打入市场并不一定就会成功。come to (the) ˈmarket () (about a company) to offer shares for sale on a stock exchange(公司)挂牌上市The retailer is planning to come to market next month.这家零售商计划下个月上市。to be ready to start selling a new product(新产品)上市Japanese carmakers are coming to the market with more efficient engines.日本汽车制造商将更高效能的发动机带入市场。corner the ˈmarket (in/on sth)to get control of the trade in a particular type of goods or services; to control the whole supply of sth囤积居奇;垄断市场They've cornered the market in silver.他们垄断了金属银市场。cornering the market on female engineering talent垄断女性工程人才市场get, bring, etc. sth to ˈmarketto make a product ready to be sold(产品)投放市场They are too slow in getting their products to market.他们将产品投放市场的速度太慢。the high cost of bringing new drugs to market将新药品投放市场的高额成本in the ˈmarket for sthinterested in buying sth有意购买We're in the market for a new computer system.我们打算购买一套新的计算机系统。make a ˈmarket
() (about a dealer) to be ready, willing and able to buy and sell particular shares做市The broker will make a market in the shares.经纪人准备炒作这支股票。 market-maker
on/onto the ˈmarketavailable for people to buy供购买;出售to put your house on the market出售你的房子It's one of the best laptops on the market.这是市面上最好的膝上型电脑之一。They are preparing to launch a mobile phone onto the UK market.他们正准备向英国市场推出一款移动电话。   idiom at play verb, price verb, skim bear market black market bull market buyer's market capital market cash market closed market commodities market commodity market common market consumer market credit market crowded market curb market currency market depressed market discount market exchange market external labour market falling market farmer's market financial market flea market foreign exchange market free market futures market global market graveyard market grey market imperfect market internal labour market internal market job market kerb market labour market main market mark-to-market mid-market middle market money market mortgage market narrow market niche market off-market open market parallel market primary market property market real estate market secondary market securities market seller's market shadow market silver market single market social market soft market spot market stock market target market terminal market test market thin market time to market




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