[] the activity of presenting, advertising and selling a company's products in the best possible way营销;行销◆She works in sales and marketing.她在市场营销部门工作。◆Low-cost airlines are known for their aggressive marketing.廉价航空公司强势的营销方式众所周知。◆The company invests heavily in the marketing of its brands.该公司在品牌营销方面投入巨资。◆a marketing campaign that targets customers aged 20 to 30针对 20–30 岁消费人群的营销活动◆to develop a marketing plan for a new product制订新产品营销计划⨁aggressive / clever / effective / successful marketing强势的/精明的/有效的/成功的营销⨁email / online / traditional marketing电子邮件/在线/传统营销⨁a marketing campaign / plan / push / strategy营销活动/计划/攻势/策略⨁the marketing budget / spend营销预算/开支⨁a marketing director / manager / officer营销总监/经理/官员affiliate marketing buzz marketing cooperative marketing corporate marketing direct marketing drip marketing environmental marketing event marketing global marketing green marketing guerrilla marketing image marketing incentive marketing industrial marketing integrated marketing interactive marketing mass marketing multilevel marketing network marketing referral marketing relationship marketing sales and marketing stealth marketing strategic marketing viral marketing marketing / advertising / promotion / publicity / public relations These words all describe ways in which companies communicate with the public. 这些词语均用于描述公司与公众进行沟通的方式。Marketing covers all the activities used to encourage demand for products. The part of a company responsible for these activities is usually called the Marketing Department and a series of activities planned for a product is a marketing campaign. 营销(marketing)涵盖所有刺激消费者对产品需求的活动。公司里负责这部分活动的部门通常称为营销部(Marketing Department),为某产品所规划的一系列活动称为营销活动(marketing campaign)。Advertising and promotion are aspects of marketing. Advertising involves paying for advertisements, for example in newspapers or on television. Promotion can include advertising as well as other things, such as giving discounts or free items in order to encourage sales. 广告(advertising)和促销(promotion)是营销的两个方面。广告涉及在报纸或电视等媒介上付费做广告。促销则包含广告及广告以外的其他事项,如通过打折或派发赠品的方式以促进销售。A company receives publicity when it is mentioned in news reports, magazine articles, etc. Companies give out information so that the press and public will take notice of their activities and products. 当公司出现在新闻报道、杂志文章里时便起到了宣传效果(publicity)。公司提供材料以便吸引媒体和公众关注其活动和产品。Public relations is the activity of giving information to the public that will create a good impression of a company. The job of keeping good public relations (= a good relationship with the public) is often given to an independent public relations firm that has experience in dealing with journalists. 公共关系(public relations)是向公众发布资讯以便为公司创造良好形象的活动。维护良好的公共关系(good public relations)的任务经常交由独立的公关公司(public relations firm)完成,因为它们熟悉如何与记者打交道。