

单词 balance
释义 balance /ˈbæləns/


() [] balance sth (off) in a company's financial records, to compare the total debits and the total credits in an account and calculate the amount needed to make them equal结算(计算借记与贷记的差额)It only needs an hour or so a month to organize and balance the accounts.每月只需一小时左右的时间结算账目。All the accounts should have been balanced off correctly.所有账目均应结算无误。 () [] if an account balances, the debit and credit sides are equal扎平(借方与贷方相等)These figures don't balance. There must be a mistake somewhere.这些数字扎不平,某处一定有错。 [] to spend only the money that is available; to make the money available equal to the amount of money spent平衡(收支)The spending cuts are part of the government's plan to balance its budget.削减开支是政府打算平衡预算的一部分。We have transferred $5 000 from our deposits to balance the accounts.我们从存款中转出 5000 元用来平衡账目。 [] balance (sth) (out) to be equal in value, amount, etc. to sth else that has the opposite effect抵消;和…相抵This year's profits will balance our previous losses.本年度的赢利将可弥补我们以往的亏损。The advantages and disadvantages seem to balance out.利弊似乎可以相互抵消。 [] balance A against B to compare the relative importance of two contrasting things衡量,比较(两个相对事物的重要性)The cost of bringing in consultants needs to be balanced against the benefits.需要衡量聘用顾问的成本与其带来的效益。





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