

单词 membership
释义 membership /ˈmembəʃɪp; NAmE -bərʃ-/


[, ] () membership (of sth) () membership (in sth) the state of being a member of a group, an organization, etc.会员资格;会籍Who is eligible to apply for membership of the association?什么人可以申请协会的会员资格?China was granted full membership of the WTO in 2001.中国在 2001 年取得世界贸易组织正式会员的资格。The company offers free gym memberships to all employees.公司向所有员工免费提供健身会员资格。to apply for / qualify for / seek membership (of/in sth)申请/符合/争取会员资格 to grant / offer / refuse (sb) membership同意/邀请/拒绝某人加入 a membership card / fee会员卡/费 [] the members of a group, an organization, etc.会员The membership votes/vote on the proposal this week.会员本周将就这个建议进行投票。 [, ] the number of members in a group, an organization, etc.全体会员;会员数Our society has a membership of two hundred.我们协会拥有 200 名会员。Union membership has fallen.工会会员人数在下降。




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