

单词 ballot
释义 ballot /ˈbælət/


[, ] the system of voting in writing and usually in secret; an occasion on which a vote is held(通常指无记名的)投票选举,投票表决The union cannot call a strike unless it holds a ballot of members.工会未经会员投票表决不得发动罢工。to have / hold a ballot进行/举行投票表决 a postal / secret / strike ballot邮递/无记名/罢工投票表决 ( ˈballot ˌpaper) [] the piece of paper or card on which sb marks who or what they are voting for选票To be approved, 75% of policyholders need to cast their ballots in favour of the scheme.要获得批准,必须有 75% 的投保人投票支持这项计划。 () [, ] a fair way of choosing who to sell shares, bonds, etc. to in situations where there are not enough new shares, bonds, etc. for everyone who wants to buy them进行抽签决定(有权购买股票、债券的人)





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