

单词 payment
释义 payment /ˈpeɪmənt/


[] the act of paying a person, paying a bill or debt, or of being paid支付;缴纳;付款We accept payment by cash, cheque, or credit/debit card.我们接受现金、支票、信用卡或借记卡付款。She demanded payment in advance for the work.对这项工作她要求预先付款。There will be a penalty for late payment of invoices.对发票拖延付款将会处以罚款。an electronic payment system电子支付系统Orders under €40 require payment with order.40 欧元以下的订单要求随订单付款。 OPP non-payment to accept / receive / take payment接受/收到/接收付款 to demand / refuse payment要求/拒绝付款 to defer / delay payment拖延付款 immediate / late / prompt payment即期/拖延/立即付款 full / part / partial payment全额付款;部分付款 [] a sum of money paid or expected to be paid付款额a cash payment现金付款额He made a lump-sum payment of $12 000.他一次性支付了 1.2 万元。We can calculate your monthly mortgage payments.我们可以计算出你每月的抵押贷款还款额。to accept / make / receive a payment接受付款;支付款项;收到付款 to keep up / meet / miss payments持续付款;付款;未能付款 cash / credit-card / electronic payments现金/信用卡/电子支付 a bonus / lump-sum / one-off / single payment奖金支出;一次性付款;整笔支付 annual / monthly / regular payments年度/月度/定期支出 dividend / interest / loan payments红利发放;利息支付;贷款支出 accelerated payment balance of payments debt payment documents against payment down payment goodwill payment interim payment milestone payment part payment partial payment progress payment transfer payment




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