

单词 play
释义 play /pleɪ/


[] () to have a particular effect on sb产生影响Providing good service plays well with customers.提供良好的服务会让顾客感到舒心。 have money, time, etc. to ˈplay with () to have a particular amount of money, time, etc. for doing sth有的是(金钱或时间等)We don't have a lot of money to play with.我们没有多少钱。play by sb's (own) ˈrulesif sb plays by their own rules or makes other people play by their rules they set the conditions for doing business制订游戏规则;以自己的方式行事play by the ˈrulesto deal fairly and honestly with people照章办事;按规矩行事They were a well-run company and played by all the rules, but still failed.他们的公司经营有方,遵规守纪,但还是倒闭了。play ˈcatch-up () to try to be as good or successful as a competitor努力追赶They are one of the biggest companies in the industry and we're always playing catch-up with them.他们是本行业最大的公司之一,我们一直在努力追赶他们。play for high ˈstakesto be involved in an activity where you can lose a lot if it fails, but gain a lot if it is successful冒大风险;下大赌注play the (ˈstock) ˈmarketto buy and sell shares in order to make a quick profit炒股票;证券投机Not all investors wish to take a risk by playing the market.并非所有投资者都愿意冒险炒股票。play a (key, major, vital, etc.) ˈpart/ˈrole (in sth) have a (key, major, vital, etc.) ˈpart/ˈrole to play (in sth)to be involved in sth and have an important effect on it发挥重要作用She had played a key role in the growth of the business.她在企业的发展中起了关键作用。Financial rewards play an important part in motivating staff.奖金在激励员工方面发挥着重要作用。play the ˈsystemto use a set of rules that control sth in a way that gives you an advantage钻制度的漏洞The developers are experts at playing the planning system.开发商们都精于钻计划体制的空子。play to your ˈstrengthsto give your attention and effort to things that you do well; to give sb the opportunity to do this发挥长处;发挥优势Each member of the team should have a task that plays to their strengths.小组的每一位成员应该承担一项能够发挥自己长处的任务。 ˌplay sth ˈbackto play telephone messages that have been recorded回放(电话)录音;播放ˌplay sth ˈdownto try to make sth seem less important than it is减低…的重要性;淡化;贬低They had made serious losses and were trying to play them down.他们出现了严重亏损,正在努力淡化这事。 OPP play sth up ˈplay for sthto try to gain sth; to compete with sb for sth努力争取某事物;为某事物而竞争There is still 96% of the company to play for.这家公司仍有 96% 的股份需要努力争取。ˌplay ˈout ˌplay itself/themselves ˈout to develop or end in a particular way进展;进行到底Let's make a decision on this and see how it plays out.让我们就此事作个决定,再看其如何进展。ˌplay sth ˈupto try to make sth seem more important than it is夸大…的重要性;渲染;强调I played up my previous experience in the industry.我夸大了自己以往在本行业的经验。 OPP play sth down





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