

单词 rate
释义 rate /reɪt/


[] a fixed amount of money that is charged or paid for sth价格;费用advertising/insurance/postal rates广告/保险/邮寄费a low hourly rate of pay按小时支付的低报酬We offer special reduced rates for students.我们对学生提供特别优惠。the basic rate of tax (= the lowest amount that is paid by everyone) 基本税额a business consultant whose normal rate is $200 per hour一般收费每小时 200 元的商业顾问After 6 p.m. customers can make telephone calls at a cheaper rate.下午 6 点以后,顾客打电话收费较低。   see note at price Rate is often used on its own to mean a particular kind of rate, such as ‘exchange rate’, ‘interest rate’, etc.rate 经常单独使用,指某种特定比率,如 exchange rate(汇率)、interest rate(利率)等 The targets for the year were based on a dollar/yen rate of 122 yen.当年的目标是按 1 美元对 122 日元的汇率设定的。a cheap / competitive / low / reasonable rate便宜的/有竞争力的/低廉的/合理的费用 a good / high rate好/高价格 a normal / reduced / special rate平日/折后/特惠价 a fixed / flat / variable rate固定利率;统一收费率;可变利率 an annual / average / hourly / a weekly rate每年/平均/每小时/每周费用 a drop / rise in the rate (of sth)(某物的)费用下降/上升 to charge / fix / pay / set a rate (of …)收取/制订/支付/规定(…的)价格 a measurement of the speed at which sth happens速度;进度Inflation is running at an annual rate of 4.5 to 5%.通货膨胀率达到每年 4.5% 到 5%。Some people wondered if the company could sustain its current rate of growth.一些人想知道这家公司是否能维持现有的增长速度。The computer virus is spreading at an alarming rate.这种计算机病毒正以惊人的速度蔓延。At the rate you work, you'll never finish!按你这样的工作速度,你永远也做不完!a fast / slow / steady rate快速;慢速;平稳的速度 an alarming / a surprising rate惊人的速度 to improve / increase / maintain / speed up a rate提高/增加/保持/加快速度 to cut / reduce / slow down a rate减慢/降低/放慢速度 a measurement of the number of times sth happens or exists during a particular period比率;率Local businesses are closing at the rate of three a year.当地企业正以每年三家的速度关闭。a high rate of unemployment高失业率a drop in the unemployment rate from 6% to 5.7%失业率从 6% 到 5.7% 的下降She makes about 100 sales calls a day, with a success rate of about 78%.她一天打大约 100 次推销电话,成功率约为 78%。a high / low / rising / falling rate高/低/不断增长的/不断下降的比率 the annual / average / monthly / quarterly rate年/平均/月度/季度利率 a drop / rise in the rate of sth某事物比率的下降/上升 a failure / success rate失败/成功率 to improve / increase / maintain a rate提高/增加/维持比率 to cut / reduce a rate减少/降低比率 bank rate base rate basic rate bill rate cap rate capitalization rate capped-rate churn rate click rate click-through rate compounded rate compound growth rate compound rate cross-rate currency rate day rate depreciation rate discount rate effective tax rate exchange rate fixed-rate flat rate floating rate forward exchange rate going rate hourly rate interest rate key rate lending rate London Inter-Bank Offered Rate marginal rate market rate mortgage rate piece rate prime lending rate prime rate real exchange rate response rate spot exchange rate spot rate tax rate teaser rate time rate vacancy rate





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