[] to estimate the value of sth again, especially giving it a higher value重新评估,重新评价(尤指给予更高评价)◆Investors revalued the group's assets.投资者重新评估了集团的资产。◆All overseas land and buildings will be revalued during the next two years.所有的海外土地和房产将在未来两年内重新评估。 () [] to increase the value of a currency in relation to the money of other countries提高(货币的)兑换价;使(货币)升值◆The yen is to be revalued.日元的币值将调高。◆There is pressure for the country to revalue.这个国家的货币有升值压力。◆The euro is being revalued against the dollar.欧元兑美元升值。OPPdevalue ➡ see note at currency ▸revaluation /ˌriːvæljuˈeɪʃn/
[; , ]◆Speculators are gambling on a revaluation of the yuan.投机者正押赌人民币升值。