

单词 sample
释义 sample /ˈsɑːmpl; NAmE ˈsæmpl/


[] a small amount or example of sth that can be looked at or tried to see what it is like样品;货样They are giving away free samples of shampoo in supermarkets.他们正在超市免费发放洗发剂样品。a book of fabric samples布料样品册The website has useful sample letters and emails.这家网站收录实用的信函和电子邮件样板。to give away / offer / provide a sample发放/给予/提供样品 a fabric / product sample布料/产品样本 () a number of people or things taken from a larger group and used in tests to provide information about the group(抽查的)样本We did a telephone survey of a random sample of 1 000 workers.我们对 1 000 名工人进行了随机抽样电话调查。The drug was tested on a sample group of 24 people.这种药品在样本组的 24 人身上作了测试。a large / random / representative / small sample大/随机/代表性/小样本 to recruit / survey / use a sample征集/调查/采用样本 () a small amount of a product that is looked at or tested in order to see what the rest is like产品样品A sample of parts are inspected for quality.零部件的样品要进行检验以确保质量。A sample taken from the plant tested positive for the bacteria.从这家工厂取得的样品细菌化验结果呈阳性。to analyse / collect / provide / test a sample分析/搜集/提供/测试样品 random sample sale by sample





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