

单词 stand
释义 stand /stænd/


[] to be in a particular situation, position, etc.处于;位于Our market share stands at about 23%.我们的市场份额达到约 23%。Where do you stand on (= what's your opinion of) this issue?你对这个问题持什么观点?if an offer, a decision, etc., that you have made earlier stands, it is still valid(出价、决定等)有效,保持不变Their offer to buy the company still stands.他们购买这家公司的报价仍然有效。to be in a situation where you are likely to do sth可能They stand to make a lot of money from this deal.他们很有可能从这笔交易中赚大钱。 ˌstand or ˈfall by/on sthto be successful or fail because of one particular thing由…决定命运;成败系于Fund managers make decisions and stand or fall by the results.基金经理们作出决策,经营业绩决定其命运。stand ˈpatto stay the same and not change; to refuse to change坚持The unemployment rate stood pat at 4%.失业率维持在 4%。stand the test of ˈtimeto prove to be successful, popular, etc. over a long period of time经受住时间的考验 ˌstand ˈbyto be ready for action待命We have an IT engineer standing by in case the system crashes.我们有一位信息技术工程师随时待命以防系统崩溃。 standby ˌstand ˈdownto leave a job or position辞职;下台Eric Marsh stood down as chairman after ten years.十年之后埃里克 • 马什辞去了董事长职务。ˈstand for sth (not used in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时) to be short for or a symbol of sth代表;象征What does RSI stand for?RSI 代表什么?ˌstand ˈin (for sb)to take sb's place代替My boss couldn't go to the conference so I stood in for her.我的老板不能参加那场会议,因此我替她去参加。 SYN deputize





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